"Chop, Chopped In A Blueroom"(poem), AMERICA SINGS, anthology, 1959. Lenny Emmanuel’s first published poem, written as a senior at the University of Miami (FL) in 1958.
"Spring Again"(poem), DISCOURSE, Winter, 1969.
"Art As Discovery"(prose), DISCOURSE, Autumn, 1970.
"Not Always Full Of Flower"(poem), Descant, Winter, 1970.
"Whitman's Fusion Of Science And Poetry"(prose), Walt Whitman Review, 1971.
"When Bidding Becomes Effective"(prose), LABORATORY MANAGEMENT, June, 1973.
“Drowning"(poem), OUTPOSTS, England, December 1973.
"Where Have All The Great Men Gone?"(poem), EPOS, Summer 1974. "Poem For My Analyst"(poem), OUTPOSTS, England, Summer 1976.
"Reagents And Quality Control"(prose), LABORATORY MEDICINE, November 1977.
"Hamsters"(poem), DESCANT, Fall 1977.
"From The Tybee Island Lighthouse"(poem), DESCANT, Summer 1982.
"The Third Stanza"(prose), JOURNAL OF TEACHING WRITING, Fall 1984.
"The Autopsy"(poem), EXQUISITE CORPSE, Spring 1988.
"Outside The Moon"(poem), THE CATHARTIC, Spring 1988.
"Not The Sky"(poem), AMERICAN POETRY ANTHOLOGY, August 1988.
"Grant Histories And Projections: Management Of Grant Expenditures"(prose), AMERICAN LABORATORIES, August 1989.
"Poems From The Icecream Lady: The One-Arm-Hooked Man And The Icecream Lady, Her Presence, From The Hard Darknesses, and As Long"(four poems), ALBATROSS, December 1993.
“Tracking Your Lab's Finances"(prose), CAP TODAY, May 1994.
"Outside The Moon"(poem), IMAGO, Australia, July-August 1994.
"Why Poetry"(prose), COSMIC TREND PARAPHRASE, Canada, 14/15, Fall 1994.
"How The LMIP Works"(prose), CAP TODAY, May 1995.
"Letter From America"(prose), OUTPOSTS, #182, England 1995.
"How A Poem Becomes"(prose), IMAGO, Australia, Fall 1995.
"Outside The Moon"(poem), IMAGO, Australia, Fall 1995.
THE ICECREAM LADY(the first collection of poems, essays on the creative process, and about one-third of the photographs, the other photographs by Linda Shields), RAMPARTS PUBLICATIONS, INC. WITH INDIANA UNIVERSITY, May 1997.
"A Conversation With Jared Carter"(interview), THE NEW LAUREL REVIEW, vol. 20, 1998.
"From Lost Wax To Wyde Woode"(prose, reviews of eight contemporary poets), THE NEW LAUREL REVIEW, vol. 21, 1999. "Administratium"(poem), IMAGO, Australia, vol. 13, No. 1, 2001.
"I.My.Mine.Me"(prose on self-indulgent poetry), THE NEW LAUREL REVIEW, vol. 22, 2003.
"Administratium" (poem), FREE LUNCH, Number 32, Winter 2004.
"Snow in Pass Christian" (poem), AGENDA (The U.S. Issue of American Poets), Vol. 41 Nos. 3-4, Autumn/Winter 2005.
”Crows” (poem), AGENDA (The U.S. Issue of American Poets), Vol. 41 Nos. 3-4, Autumn/ Winter 2005.
“Soap And Water” (poem), YAWP, No. 2, April, 2005.
“As A Language Goes, So Goes Its Culture” (prose), Sun-Herald, April 23, 2006.
“Litany In Haiku Minor” (poem), YAWP, No. 3, August, 2006 "The Duck Girl" (prose), Louisiana in Words, Pelican Publishing Company, Summer 2007.
"After the Storm" (poem), AGENDA, Winter, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2007.
"Dr. Sleepadelic and the Gold Mine" (an INNERview/conversation with Dave Brinks, May 6, 2004), The New Laurel Review, vol. 24, Summer 2008.
"…from Victims and Survivors” (Six Auschwitz poems), Jewish Trends, March-April issue, 2008.
“Roland John And Lenny Emmanuel At The Bell” (an INNERview), BOGG, Summer, 2008.
“Mark Strand And Lenny Emmanuel At The Trestle” (an INNERview), Antioch Review, Vol. 67, No.1, Winter, 2009.
BLUE RAIN (the second collection of poems, INNERviews, and photography), RAMPARTS, INC., Summer-Winter, 2010.
“Peabody’s Ducks” (poem), SLANT, A Journal of Poetry, Summer, 2010.
“Asphalt Workers” (poem), Plainsongs, Hastings College, October, 2010.
“The Duck Girl Of New Orleans” (poem), The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume IV, Louisiana, Fall, 2011.
“Flea On A Towel” (poem), Avocet, Fall, 2011.
“Crossing My Vineyard” (poem), Assent (England), November, 2011.
“Clodia” (poem), Assent (England), November, 2011.
“The Bumblebee” (poem), Advocate, April/May, 2012.
“The Girl With The Blue-Bird Tattoo” (poem), Featured Writer, The Mississippi Gulf Coast Writers Association, May 10, 2012.
GOODBYE, AMERICA! (the third collection of poems, essays, INNERviews, and photography), RAMPARTS, INC., Summer-Winter, 2012.